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ancient & medieval architecture

type. drawing studies

stage. one

date. june 2017

description. This module provided me with an introduction into ancient and medieval architecture. We explored the architectural developments that formed the foundations of western architectural culture by focusing on European architectural traditions and examined the extremely rich and diverse architectural heritage that marked these developments from various points of view. While contemplating the idea that buildings as structures reflect the technology and construction practice of their time, we also concentrated on forms and compositional elements, associating them with broad typologies and aesthetic conventions. We studied the social, cultural and economic frameworks within which architectural and urban forms developed, and focused on the role of architecture as an urban phenomenon and the interplay between buildings and urban space. The combination of these methodologies lead to a holistic understanding of the urban and architectural typologies that developed in Europe during Antiquity and the Middle Ages.

Karydis, N. (2016). R324 Brief 2016-2017. Retrieved January 2017 from Moodle.

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