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reitveld schröder house

type. essay & model

stage. one

date. january 2017

description. I had to create a 1:100 model of a pre-assigned modern house in order to understand its planning, composition, and scale. The model had to show the building's external form, and internal spacial enclosure, and was required to be made out of foam board, card, clear HIPS sheets and styrofoam to allow for an easily comparable model, as well as had to have a lift-off element, of which they recommended the roof to be it, so that internal planning could be seen. I then had to write an essay about the house that the model was built from. The first part of the essay required me to describe the house, then analyse it in terms of its style, layout, form of construction, and palette of materials, as well as investigate into how the lifestyle, technology and culture of its location and time may have affected its design. In the second part of the essay I had to identify, describe and discuss some other key works of the architect in question, and relate the design of the house to his wider oeuvre, that is considering questions such as 'Are there any themes, for instance, which recur in other building types attempted by the architect in terms, for instance, of plan type, section, materials, detailing and so on?', How does the design of this house, and the work of this architect, relate to contemporary trends in architecture?' and 'Does it form part of a recognisable movement, or does it stand out from the crowd?'.

Adler, G. (2016). AR322 Modern House brief 16-17. Retrieved 2016 from Moodle.

Model made out of foam board, clear PVC, and cardboard mounted on MDF

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