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-just- on her way:

a psychogeographical study of public women's safety

type. dissertation

stage. five

date. may 2022

description. ​

In this dissertation I examined the extent to which feminist urbanism is enacted in eastern versus western cities and how it may affect the safety, perceived and actual, for women occupying public spaces. This was done through identifying the feminist histories of both HK and Manchester, cities representing the East and West respectively; examining the perceived (expressed through people’s opinions) and actual safety (shown through personal experiences), and safety as it relates to specific public spaces in the cities. A further analysis was made with regards to whether any built environment gender mainstreaming policies aimed at increasing safety for women have been proposed. Furthermore, I examined Barcelona as a case study where gender mainstreaming has been applied to the built environment; exploring whether the ensuing principles that the designers of Barcelona’s spaces have employed have also been applied to the built environments of HK and Manchester.

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